Sunday 16 October 2011

Protesters Occupy Wall Street With Zuccotti Park Showdown

Protesters Occupy Wall Street With Zuccotti Park Showdown:The collection of sleeping bags, camping stoves and Macbook Air, which makes Gather Wall Street in Lower Manhattan stronghold, is broken. Four weeks after the first demonstrators have taken up residence at Zuccotti Park, is what looks like a final confrontation with city authorities threatening.
The owners of the park, Brookfield Properties, seem to have had enough of their unwanted guests a clean and ordered to begin at 7 pm on Friday.
On Thursday, representatives from the company of leaflets distributed in the park said that after the obvious place, the protesters were not allowed to keep sleeping bags, tents and other equipment camping equipment in the park . They will not be allowed to lie on the benches or the floor. In fact, the camp ready.
Police said all the time that they would monitor the wishes of the owners of the park – Zuccotti is a private space that is open to the public under the terms of the city with the authorities.
Protesters occupy Wall Street called supporters to gather at the park from 06:00 Friday to defend against what they said was a trial delay. Police said they will move to enforce the cleanup from 07:00. A kind of confrontation seems inevitable.
Required to clean the park is by a company that owns it, Brookfield Properties Office, on behalf of which the President wrote a letter of two pages of NYPD to ask for help “clear the Park” and “help” is a “constant” for keep the area safe and clean.Read More...

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